Learn the SECRET WEAPON and Become Your Own Dentist!"Lack of Attached Gingiva" - no one wants this. Learn how you can become your own dentist in this 10-page report. Seriously, the person cited in this report was told by his dentist that "He's His Own Dentist" and that, "You don't need to keep coming to the dentist." Imagine being told by your dentist that you don't need to go to the dentist anymore. But it's a fact. This oral hygiene protocol allowed him to not go to the dentist in the past 33 years! How many people fit this description? Only one that I know of, and a handful of his followers. Stop tooth decay and turn those gum-probing numbers from 3-4-3 to 1-2-1 millimeters, using the JPM Oral Hygiene Protocol. Copyrighted Material
2 months ago
3 weeks ago